
Getting Started Training

There are some mandatory training modules which must be completed when you start your new role. This training varies depending on what role you are taking on and is broken down below. The Getting Started training is required to be done within five months of taking up the role (usually the date of the interview), but it can be done before the interview.

All Getting Started Training is done on-line, as e-learning.  Contact your GSL, your Training Advisor or the Island Training Manager for further information.

Link to The Scout Association Getting Started Page.

Occasional Helpers are not required to do any training.

The required Getting Started training is as follows:

For Leaders (Section Assistant, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Leaders and above)

For Executive Committee Members (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, etc)


These courses have been set up in conjunction with the St. John’s Ambulance Association to provide adults in Scouting with the required First Response qualifications.

Remember – All Leaders have to hold an in date First Response Certificate which has to be renewed every 3 years.

Please note that these First Response courses are open to Leaders that possess a warrant (or are in the process of getting one) and to registered Young Leaders.

Spaces Are Limited so be sure to book early.

See the Manx Scouts Calendar for upcoming courses.

Contact to register or request further information.

Course Details

Time: 9:00 am for a prompt 9:30 am start to 5:00 pm

Where:St. John’s Ambulance Headquarters and Training Centre, Glencrutchery Road, Douglas.

To book a place on one of the above courses, please contact Limited places are available on each course. There is no charge for the course. Casual clothing, uniform not required. You will need to bring a packed lunch (drinks are available) and a pad & pen.

If for some reason you have booked a place and you cannot make it or want to reschedule, PLEASE, PLEASE let one of the training team know so the place can then be offered to someone else. There have been quite a few no shows in the past and this is not fair on leaders wanting to go on courses or to the St John’s leaders, who are volunteers also.


Some of the training listed above is only valid for three years, and will need to be repeated.  These modules are:

Also, all members are expected to do GDPR Training


The training listed above is considered the basic training, and as mentioned, should be completed within five months of taking up the role. However, all section leaders (and roles above) are normally expected to complete more advance training known as the Wood Badge Training, named after the award you receive once all training is complete. The normal time scale for completing this training is three years, following on from the Getting Started training.

This training includes topics such as: Programme Planning, Practical Skills, International Scouting, Skills of Leadership and Running Safe Activities.  Training is usually done in training courses held at regular intervals on island. However, training for some modules may be available on-line, via interactive video webinars (or similar). Advice on this training can be obtained from your Group Scout Leader, Training Advisor, or the Island Training Manager.

There are a number of opportunities to do this training online. Here are several sites that welcome leaders from the Isle of Man: